Now what? Download Cronometer to track your daily macros until you get a feel for what you should be eating. Each body is unique, so alter as needed. Stay Healthy!
Mifflin-St Jeor Equation:
For men:
BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A + 5
For women:
BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A - 161
Katch-McArdle Formula:
BMR = 370 + 21.6(1 - F)W
W = body weight in kg
H = body height in cm
A = age
F = body fat in percentage
Calories burned = (MET*3.5*W/200)*time
1 MET = resting oxygen cost level = 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram body weight per minute
METs are what equipment and fitness watches use to calculate your calories. A full list can be found
Compendium of
Physical Activities, CSV
TDEE = BMR*1.15 + Total Calories Burned
Total Calories = TDEE * Goal (Goal: 0.8, 1, or 1.1)
Carbs: 3W + (Total Calories Burned/4) + ((Total Calories - TDEE)/4)
Protein: 1.8*W for Maintain/Gain, 2.2*W for Losing weight
Fat: (TotalCalories - Protein(g) * 4 - Carbs(g) * 4) / 9
W = body weight in kg
In order to lose weight, decrease your calorie intake by a deficit of 10-20%. Lower your carb intake. Keep
fat intake lower but constant. Increase your protein intake(to about 1g/pound) to promote fat loss.
In order to maintain weight, increase your Carb intake as you exercise more. Keep your fat and protein
intake constant. If you're wanting to lose more fat, increase protein intake and decrease Carb intake
In order to gain weight, increase your Carb or Protein intake as you exercise more by a surplus of at least
10%. Keep your fat intake constant.
& Sources